# set beams RG:Beam1 = PROTON RG:Beam2 = PROTON RG:Mom1 = 100. RG:Mom2 = 100. RG:Seed = 523 RG:NumEvents = 100000 # Process selection based on the efficiency of generation # in soft and hard regions of phasespace # Soft part: # Process setup: leading-jets (low-pT part) # Start from min-bias MSEL 1 # Set cuts # Use this for hard leading-jets in a certain pT window # min pT CKIN(3) 4 # max pT CKIN(4) 200 # Use this for hard leading-jets in a certain mHat window # min mHat CKIN(1) 0 # max mHat CKIN(2) 200 # Makes particles with c*tau > 10 mm stable: MSTJ(22) 2 PARJ(71) 10.0 # set tune MSTP(5) 355