Soft QCD (inelastic)

<pT>j vs Nch <pT> vs Nch Energy flow Forward energy flow ratio EM energy spectrum Hadronic energy spectrum Total energy spectrum η Distributions Rapidity gap size Rapidity Gaps (MC only) Jet pT ksi Multiplicity Distributions pT Distributions <pT> vs mass Σ(ET) Σ(ET) vs Nch Diffractive ξ Cross sections

Soft QCD (inelastic) : pT Distributions

ℹ️Choose generators/versions/tunes to plot : either from a pre-defined preset (left button) or from all available MCs (right button)

pp @ 7000 GeV

Plot of pt in 7000 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 7000 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 7000 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 7000 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 7000 GeV pp collisions

pp @ 2360 GeV

Plot of pt in 2360 GeV pp collisions

ppbar @ 1960 GeV

Plot of pt in 1960 GeV ppbar collisions

ppbar @ 1800 GeV

Plot of pt in 1800 GeV ppbar collisions

pp @ 900 GeV

Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV pp collisions

ppbar @ 900 GeV

Plot of pt in 900 GeV ppbar collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV ppbar collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV ppbar collisions
Plot of pt in 900 GeV ppbar collisions

ppbar @ 630 GeV

Plot of pt in 630 GeV ppbar collisions

ppbar @ 500 GeV

Plot of pt in 500 GeV ppbar collisions

ppbar @ 200 GeV

Plot of pt in 200 GeV ppbar collisions