MC Production

Status Control Contributions

Last update: 2024-10-12 14:02:49 (10 minutes ago)
Current state: idle

Jobs statistics
Last day Last week Last month Last year Total
Submitted: 763 16394 275824 3983699 74682579
Queue drain: 646 16279 280304 3983930 74679906
Received: 703 18623 267624 3371326 68431249
Succeeded: 656 17698 254109 3183924 63981207
Failed: 47 925 13515 187402 4450042
Lost: -57 -2344 12680 612604 6248657

Total number of generated events: 6338.5 billions

Performance plots hourly daily weekly monthly

Jobs rates

Contributed CPU time
CPU time contributed by volunteers for jobs processing

Jobs queues
Input (total and queue buffer) and output queues sizes

Busy time
Amount of time MCPLOTS spend for jobs processing

Jobs flow

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