
# settings of Powheg-Box wrapper program for trijet production

numevts 100000      # number of events to generate

# Beam parameter settings.
ih1 1                # first beam, p = 1, pbar = -1
ih2 1                # second beam, p = 1, pbar = -1
ebeam1 3500.            # first beam energy in GeV
ebeam2 3500.            # second beam energy in GeV

# random seed
iseed 519
rand1 -1
rand2 -1

bornktmin  65

lhans1 260000
lhans2 260000

! Parameters to allow or not the use of stored data
use-old-grid    1 ! if 1 use old grid if file pwggrids.dat is present (<> 1 regenerate)
use-old-ubound  1 ! if 1 use norm of upper bounding function stored in pwgubound.dat, if present; <> 1 regenerate

ncall1  20000  ! number of calls for initializing the integration grid
itmx1    5    ! number of iterations for initializing the integration grid
ncall2  10000  ! number of calls for computing the integral and finding upper bound
itmx2    5     ! number of iterations for computing the integral and finding upper bound
foldcsi   5    ! number of folds on csi integration
foldy     5    ! number of folds on  y  integration
foldphi   2    ! number of folds on phi integration
nubound 500000  ! number of bbarra calls to setup norm of upper bounding function

doublefsr 1          ! Default 0; if 1 use new mechanism to generate regions
                     ! such that the emitted harder than the
                     ! emitter in FSR is suppressed. If doublefsr=0 this is
                     ! only the case for emitted gluons (old behaviour). If
                     ! 1 it is also applied to emitted quarks.
                     ! If set, it strongly reduces spikes on showered output.

Main:numberOfEvents = 100000        ! number of events to generate
Next:numberShowEvent = 0             ! suppress full listing of first events
Init:showChangedParticleData = off   ! suppress changes particle data (a lot of output with LHE)

# random seed
Random:setSeed = on
Random:seed = 519

# pythia8 showering
# http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/pythia82html/LesHouchesAccord.html
Beams:frameType = 4
Beams:LHEF = /shared/tmp/tmp.u9rguOsJOb/run-main/pwgevents.lhe

mcplots:loadPowhegHooks = on
POWHEG:nFinal = 2
POWHEG:veto = 1
POWHEG:pTdef = 1
POWHEG:emitted = 0
POWHEG:pTemt = 0
POWHEG:pThard = 1
POWHEG:vetoCount = 3
SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch = 2
TimeShower:pTmaxMatch = 2

#tunefile placeholder